Bruce Willis' outrageous suit on Letterman

Bruce Willis' outrageous suit on Letterman

Bruce Willis and his awesome suit.
@xfinity_tv You watched it. :-) Yeah, you remembered it. She shot the bad guy by shooting thru her abdomen; a la Bruce Willis style. :-o

Ficou massa essa propaganda do CCAA com o "Seu" Bruce Willis

@xfinity_tv Extra credit. Name the Bruce Willis movie where the kill the bad guy by shooting yourself technique was used. *snicker*

Bruce willis swagg die hard for the cash lol I made that up I thought it was fresh

Chuck Norris es el único capaz de matar a Bruce Willis en duro de matar — #martesdechucknorris

Someone who may have been Bruce Willis (who drove a crane) helped out, and we managed to escape in a small plane.

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