Karma (カルマ) ~piano~ - Ever 17: The Out of Infinity

Karma (カルマ) ~piano~ - Ever 17: The Out of Infinity

With this video, I have taken my video recording to a whole new level. You must have noticed that this video sounds more 'professional' than my previous ones. Well, I didn't record the audio by using my crap camera. I plugged my keyboard to my PC instead, and used Adobe Audition 3.0 to record the audio, while the camera only records the video. Then I sync the video using Adobe Premier Pro CS4. Expect my future videos to be of the same quality (hopefully) ^_^ Anyway, Karma from Ever 17 is an amazing piece. The moment I started playing the visual novel and heard the song, I was amazed and touched, and I knew right away that this is one awesome visual novel (and it certainly is). The song gives more meaning to those who have finished any route in the game, really... The piano and the strings part are played by me. Took me some time to learn the piano part, but the strings part is easy if you know how to play the piano part (lol). The song is pretty hard to learn, but it's fun to play, and the feeling of playing the piano while crying is great.. And I recommend this game to all visual novel lovers. I've only completed 2 routes, but planning to finish the whole game soon. It's a really good game, that really needs more attention ^_^
@molars fffff ever17 doesn't have any h-scenes ok

PS2版かPSP版やれば? @kizuchi Ever17がXBOXでリメイクだって~。キャラが3Dになったりシナリオやエンディングやつぐみの衣装が増えたりするみたい。パッケージも滝川さんの描き下ろしかな? やーりーたーいー…てか、PS3でも出して…(ノД`) #Ever17

@molars ever17! that visual novel right? 8D TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF IT HURRHURR and thank youuuuu ;w;)



あー、そっちは一応プレイ済みです、ありがとう(`・ω・´) RT @masayuki001: PS2版かPSP版やれば? @kizuchi Ever17がXBOXでリメイクだって~。やーりーたーいー…てか、PS3でも出して…(ノД`) #Ever17

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