乾杯の歌 / 上戸彩 Ueto Aya 「李香蘭」

乾杯の歌 / 上戸彩 Ueto Aya 「李香蘭」

After showing the childhood scene, a Japanese actress Ueto Aya acted as Li Xianglan in the TV drama "Rikoran" 李香蘭(TV Tokyo, テレビ東京)Feb. 2007. Official DVD(Kadokawa Pict. 角川映画) is available from Amazon.com etc. to see full of story. Feb. 1941, Li Xianglan (李香蘭、李香兰)went to Japan to have a concert as a Chinese singer at The Japan Theatre (日本劇場). Japanese fans believed that she was a famous and mysterious Chinese movie star who could speak Japanese and loved Japan. In those dark and painful war days, Japanese people wanted fun time bringing some dream. On the first concert day, about 100000 people gathered to see her though they didn't have a ticket. In the theater, more than 3500 fans were standing up to sing a Japanese lyric song with Li Xianglan. The last part of this video shows the scene. The song was Italian opera "Libiamo"(乾杯の歌). Li Xianglan, in her young ages, simply believed the Japan's slogan "Goodwill between Manchuria(満州国) and Japan". But the purpose of Japanese government was to utilize her popularity. The Japanese government aimed Japanese people feel that Manchuria was a dream land worth emigrating and aimed maintain the capital right. About 320000 Japanese farmers emigrated to Manchuria with a dream of prosperity. Four years later, August 1945, when Li Xianglan was still singing in Shanghai, the Japanese emigrants in Manchuria lost everything. 1/3 of them were able to go back to Japan. Others, mainly ladies and children, were ...
【ロッソ!!】 トマトベースのソース オイルが決め手さ 僕に任せておいてね 茹ですぎないように 濃すぎないように 僕らの恋と同じさ そろそろ乾杯! 【12th Album / Diamonds】

@kobo_natsu @faapoco もっと決めてもらいたいですね とりあえず乾杯しましょう

@mahoutukaiyurry はわーそれめちゃめちゃ思う!定時ってまじで憧れる仕事後にお疲れ~ってビールで乾杯してまだ終電まで時間があるからカラオケでもいっちゃうか!なんて場面行動したい(;ω;)

しっかし、よく酒飲むよな~、オレ。 肝臓の頑張りに乾杯! って、寝起きに思う。


@yuni1250 お疲れさま!ごゆっくりお休み……乾杯(^^)/▽☆▽\(^^)

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