Stand Up In It - Theodis Ealey

Stand Up In It - Theodis Ealey

Theodis Ealey - Stand Up In It
RT @ConservNewMedia: Some said untested people, like M Daniels, could never stand up 2 the Team BHO heat that #Palin did. We were mocked. Laughing now? #tcot #p2

I can't stand it when people squeeze close to me in line, BACK THE FUCK UP!

I heard he stand up guy. Why he duckin me?

I'm now going stand under the hood of my car in the parking lot and pretend like I know what I'm doing until my wife picks me up. lol

@RhysCannell I do, the stupid things meant to kno how to stand up! The stupid thing fell over and scrapped me thumb, it kills:-/ x

@James_Drums you haven't ?! D: oh my, you must go check their whole stand up and scream album <3

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