AAA - Gesture Game 2

AAA - Gesture Game 2

AAA goes through another round of the Gesture Game. Shinjiro Atae is the one starting it XD, and Shuta Sueyoshi has a major epiphany in the middle of it (kind of like Shinjiro's epiphany in the last one except bigger). Disclaimer: This video does not belong to me, and the people belong to themselves, and blah, blah, blah. Honestly, only someone pretty stupid wouldn't already know that.
@inferiorego aaa... crap

MuahmuahRT @distarmdhn: Aaa muucih me too :* RT @dhianikadilla: Lopekkk @distarmdhn :*

@DominicaNovita aaa domiii... jgn tinggalkn akyu sndiri

Aaa sikat WC RT @Rsariiii Sabun mandi hihiRT @Fikrikuro: Gayung :D RT @Rsariiii Embeeeeeeer hihiRT @Fikrikuro: RT @Rsariiii

ou udah jam segini ya! belom nyiapin buat besok, belom ngerjain pr mtk aaa banyak bgt lagi (‾.‾')

@Ciasteczko_x3 aaa to wiek wszystko wyjaśnia xD

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