Bridge Over Troubled Water (Live at Pearl's)- Eva Cassidy

Bridge Over Troubled Water (Live at Pearl's)- Eva Cassidy

Bridge Over Troubled Water(Live at Pearl's) by the late Eva Cassidy, the greatest singer of our time. In response to a viewer, I have added this below: Eva Cassidy died, at the age of 33, in 1996 of melanoma, skin cancer. She was from Maryland, US and died just before she was getting better known. She could not get a recording contract in the US. She is still not well known in US. She is popular in the United Kingdom and much more well known in other European countries and other parts of the world. There are a few sites on her life but do a search on her name on the web. You will find at the top, the best site on her life, run by her cousin, Laura Bligh, with lots of information about her. Recently I have also posted (on YouTube) Eva Cassidy Story-Trevor McDonald Pts 1,2,3. This has additional information on Eva beyond the story on her by ABC Nightline.
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