German shepherd dog

German shepherd dog

Visit www.TrainPetDog.com and GRAB A FREE COURSE ON TRAINING YOUR GERMAN SHEPHERD! Learn all about housebreaking, obedience training, and correcting behavioral problems like barking, biting, jumping, chewing and digging. For more information on the characteristics of German Shepherds, go to www.TrainPetDog.com The german shepherd dog is a multifuncional dog. Is training for police dog, military dog, k9, protection, schutzhund, guard ... perro pastor aleman.
Walking to work some huge German Shepherd dog comes outta no where starts going mad at me I thought I was gonna have to snap it's neck!....

@AndreasChoice haha good luck. I have a German Shepherd and he's spoiled like a lap dog!

@CarolineManzo Caroline, what's your German Shepherd's name? He looks exactly like mine. Beautiful dog.

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