Jim Carrey-Stand up show!

Jim Carrey-Stand up show!

A early stand up show from the funniest guy ever, Jim Carrey. Louie Anderson is the guy in the beginning, many people has asked that question, and Jim Carrey says that it is Louie Anderson many times. It would have been alot of fun if you guys would try out the angry st bernard tricks and post it as a video comment. Especially if you did it in public places as resturants, cafè, clubs and stuff like that. I would love seeing that. Thanks!
RT @NAMIMass: Advocate every day 2 create change, empower people, reduce stigma, publicly stand up & say we deserve more understanding #mhsm

RT @OMGthatssotrue: First day of school: "Just stand up and tell the class your name, where you're from, and one thing about yourself" -_______- #omgthatssotrue

You know how you have foil on a cardboard tube well dont stand up and try and rip it off you might just drop it and it will all come off

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